Frequently Asked Questions
What is sleep counseling?
If you search "baby sleep needs" online or social media, you’ve likely encountered a lot of conflicting information, which can be overwhelming and confusing. During the sleep counseling process, we will walk you through factual, evidenced-based newborn, baby, and toddler sleep. Sleep counseling looks at the whole picture to ensure your sleep goals are in line with your values and your baby's development.
Why is sleep important?
Sleep is necessary for growth and development. Just like your baby will learn to crawl, she also needs to learn healthy sleep habits. Sleep is an essential time for brain growth, brain development, and the retention of memories and learned skills. Research has shown that sleep plays a direct role in mood, attention, resiliency, memory, learning, executive functioning, and so much more.
How long is the sleep counseling process?
Like any new skill, sleep counseling requires time and consistency. I recommend dedicating at least two weeks of uninterrupted focus—this means no overnight guests, late-night events, or travel. Keep in mind that some babies and children may need more time to adjust, depending on their temperament and the sleep method used.
I don’t want to let my child cry it out. Are there other methods?
Absolutely! In fact, I will never recommend “cry-it-out” (though I will support you if that’s what you choose). Your child is unique and deserves a sleep plan tailored just for them, to meet them where they are. That being said, there will still be tears. This is going to be a big transition and that can be scary! This is normal! Even as adults, we don’t love change; the difference is we have the ability to vocalize our thoughts and feelings. Think of it this way: your toddler asks for cake for breakfast. You know that cake is not going to sustain him for all the fun things you have planned for the day. You know it’s not a healthy food for him to start off the day with. You show him the delicious, healthy meal you have prepared for him, but he drops to the floor and the tantrum begins. While we hate to see our children cry, we can’t always protect them from it, but we can be with them while they have these big feelings!
What if the plan doesn’t work?
Sleep training is not for every family, and that’s okay! Not only is it a big change for baby, it’s a big change for the caregivers. If you’re not sure, schedule a free “What is Sleep Training?” consultation and we can discuss!
For those who are ready, with consistency, love, and patience, it will work!
What if my baby gets sick during the process?
As a mom, I know sickness happens and it can disrupt sleep like nothing else! If this happens, we can review and pause if necessary.
How old does my child have to be?
While healthy sleep habits can begin right after birth, we cannot expect a baby to sleep through the night until around 6 months of age (adjusted). While it can happen earlier for some babies, many babies are not ready to drop those night feedings until then. That being said, we can certainly get baby on a schedule with more consolidated sleep so she isn’t waking and feeding all night long.
I just started potty training my toddler. Can we start sleep training?
The simple answer, no. Potty training and sleep training are big transitions. You and your toddler will have much better results with both if you focus on one at a time, though order doesn’t matter!
My children share a room. Can we still sleep train?
Yes! While it may take a little longer, it can absolutely be done!
Should I sleep train my twins/multiples one at a time or at the same time?
At the same time! Getting twins on the same schedule can be a game changer for you as a caregiver!
Do you offer in person services?
At this time, all services are via phone, video call, and email. Through our time together, you will gain all the tools necessary to get baby sleeping independently.
Is there a refund or guarantee policy?
Please refer to the “Terms and Conditions” page.